Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why do you have to go?

Hey yo!
I did the army half marathon[ Fyi, it's 21km] within 3 hours 10mins.
Miss-ed the trackers at the finishing line.
So obviously, I didn't see him there.
Apparently, he took 1 hour and 31 mins for the 6km ran.
About 30 mins before i reached the line.
I was texting him just now on the way to my uncle's house.
He should be home by now i guess.
That's about it i guess.

Next up would be the Nike Human Race on the 31.08.08
Thinking whether I should run.
On maybe the great easten 10km.
That's all for the day fox.
Photos will be posted next time round.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chow& I.
Meixi he wo.
Ching Chang Chiang. :D
I forgot his name.
Aaron, can I have your shades plssssss.
Can I have your drum sticks plsss. (?)
Hello. The photos above are from the CTI concert. I love them. And gosh, they will be leaving tomorrow morning. After the concert, we had dinner at Newton Circus. We were uber full after dinner that sera said that we were all gonna put on 2 kilos when we step on the weighing scale when we get home. Train-ed back to amk and went to the fountain cos me and lowell didn't want to go home so early. That's about it.
I have to study for my A Maths now.
Goodnight world.
May may.[Husaini name-d me that]

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can the truth really set me free?

Hey, I'm back from church. It was centralised teaching, it was on the perable of the sower. I love that story. Anyway, I'm in the mids of my common test. I hope I can do well forall the papers. At least pass english, double maths, humanities& sciences. Off to the park for my run.


A step of faith.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Konichiwa! :D

I'm back blogging(again). This will be my 200th post. Anyway, school was still okay these few days. But I'm sick due to the hot whether lately. My body is weird, I can catch a flu on hot days. I guess it's because the whether is humid. I wish it rains everyday. Training was boring ytd as coach went for re-service. i had lunch with Best buddies today at Tp, yeah only the 3 of us. Then head- ed back to school for the Touch run meeting. And I went back with Weijieeee! :D

To you:
She admitted that she likes you. I sense-d that a long time ago but she just didn't say it. At that moment, I was pondering on whether you will fall for her. While I was thinking, I suddenly remembered what you said when the same thing happened during my party last year. You admitted that you may fall for the girl that throws herself at you, cus' it's a guys natural instinct. And you can't control it even if you want to. People asked me if you will for fall her but all I could only say was dont' know, cus' I can't guarantee. I'm not blaming you cus' I just care for you so even if you accept her, I will always be behind you. I expected this to happen already. I'm mentally prepared for this already! So long, My also lover.